April 23, 2012

60 Minutes slaps Israel's ambassador? Not news to me.

In case you missed the original broadcast (I certainly did), here is the link to the 60 Minutes feature on the challenges facing Christians in the West Bank.

Yes, the security barrier along the West Bank, however justified (60 Minutes says it's reduced terrorist attacks by 90 percent), does not help the image of the State of Israel. Yes, the Ambassador of Israel probably over-reacted to the story by complaining preemptively to CBS management. Yes, Ambassador Oren was ambushed/manipulated by Bob Simon, since he obviously didn't expect that his phone call would become a subject of the interview.

Yes, Israeli policies are contributing and possibly primarily responsible for the climate in which the Palestinian Christian population is declining in the West Bank. And yes, the Ambassador has a fair point, that focusing on the relatively benign plight of Christians in Jerusalem and the West Bank now -- at the very moment when other Christians are being violently and systematically persecuted (i.e, killed) in across the Middle East -- carries with it a certain absurdity. And no, there was seemingly no effort by 60 Minutes to track down some of the emigre Christians to find out directly why they left and to which destinations.

And yes, Bob Simon obviously enjoys his job (and displaying the label on his Hermes tie).

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